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Trade mark registration
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Trade mark registration



Search: US$150
(1) Search per mark in all Class Codes
(2) Search results returned back by e-mail within 4 days
(3) Covers Trademark database and Corporate Name database

Registration: US$685
(1) per mark
(2) Covers 1-3 class codes
(3) Prepared and submitted within 1-2 weeks
(4) Clerical office actions generally answered for free
(5) Quarterly follow ups of your mark through out the entire unopposed registration process (via e-mail)

Government Filing Fee: US$65
Per class code, payable to the IPONZ (we do so on your behalf).

Title Services: NIL
At this time there is no title fee due at the end of the process.

Summary of Fees
US$150 Search
US$685 Registration
US$65 Government Filing Fee
US$900 Total

Required Documents & Services
1. A simply signed power of attorney.
2. Prints of the trademark (not required for word mark).
3. Statement whether or not the trademark has been used in New Zealand. If the user is not the applicant, statement about the particulars of the proposed user.
4. Priority document with its certified English translation, if priority is to be claimed.
5. List of goods and the classes pertaining thereto.

Time Scale
New Zealand trademark process moves quite quickly. Applications will be reviewed within 1-2 weeks and you will be advised of acceptance, or an office action will be generated. You have twelve (12) months in which to answer an office action (we answer all clerical office actions for free).

Opposition Process
The opposition period lasts for 90 days. If no opposition is filed, the title certificate will be issued within 6 months from the end of the opposition period.

Period of Protection
7 years from the date of application (not registration), or from the priority date claimed.

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